Legal notice
Below are the "General Terms of Use" under which any user may use the pages (including the mere access thereof) of PEGAME.ES website, located at domain name, including the content and services made available for users on these pages. Anyone who uses the PEGAME.ES website (“User”) agrees to all of the General Terms of Use in force at the time of accessing the website.
PEGAME.ES is a property of Daniel Iglesias de Paz, with Tax ID 53533153D and fiscal address at calle La Pumará 67, CP 33391 Vega Gijon, Asturias, Spain. Its contact data is:
- E-mail address:;
- Telephone number: +(34) 668840661;
The contents and services offered by the PEGAME.ES to the User on the PEGAME.ES website (respectively, the "Contents" and the "Services") may also be governed by particular conditions (“Particular Conditions”), such as agreements included in forms completed and validated by the User; in the event of a conflict, the Particular Conditions shall prevail over of the General Terms of Use. Every time the User makes use of a particular Content or Service, he/she agrees to the pertinent Particular Conditions.
Every time the user makes use of the PEGAME.ES website he/she must carefully read the General Terms of Use and, where applicable, carefully read the Particular Conditions before using any specific Content or Service.
PEGAME.ES reserves the right to change the presentation and configuration of the website and to modify the present General Terms of Use or the corresponding Particular Conditions at any time without prior notice.
The set of terms and conditions which result from the General Terms of Use and the various Particular Conditions applicable to every User with regard to the PEGAME.ES website shall be referred to as the “Contractual Relationship”.
Except as otherwise stipulated in the Particular Conditions, the use of the PEGAME.ES website is free, notwithstanding any connection fee charged by the telecommunications service provider.
The User acknowledges and voluntarily and expressly accepts that the use of the PEGAME.ES website is made under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility at all times
The User undertakes to use PEGAME.ES in a manner which does not cause damage to the image, interests or rights of the PEGAME.ES or any third party, or which may damage, render useless or overload the PEGAME.ES, or which may in any way impede the normal use of the PEGAME.ES website.
PEGAME.ES takes reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, the User must be aware that the existing security measures for computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that PEGAME.ES cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or any other harmful elements may cause alterations to the computer systems of the User (hardware and software) or to his/her electronic documents and files contained therein.
The Contents of PEGAME.ES are made available to the User by PEGAME.ES using information taken from its own sources and resources provided by third parties.
PEGAME.ES endeavours to ensure that the contents are of the highest possible quality and are reasonably updated. However, PEGAME does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, completeness or relevance of the Contents and/or whether such Contents are up to date.
All of the contents on the PEGAME.ES website, including but not limited to text, diagrams, images, web design, and any intellectual property rights which may correspond to said content, as well as brands, commercial names or any other distinctive symbols, are the property of PEGAME.ES or its legitimate owners. All rights reserved.
These General Terms of Use do not assign any industrial or intellectual property rights over the PEGAME.ES website or over any of the parts thereof. The User is therefore expressly prohibited to reproduce, transform, distribute, publicly communicate, make available, extract, reuse, resend or use in any way and by any means or procedure, any part of the website, except when lawful to do so or when authorization has been provided by the holder of the relevant rights.
Except where expressly stipulated in the present General Terms of Use or in the Particular Conditions, PEGAME.ES shall assume no liability for damages of any kind that may be due to lack of accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or to errors or omissions in any of the Contents or Services accessed through the PEGAME.ES website. The PEGAME.ES is likewise under no obligation or commitment to verify or monitor its contents and information.
The PEGAME.ES does not guarantee the availability, continuous operation and error-free service of the PEGAME.ES website, and accordingly excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to lack of availability or continuous operation of PEGAME.ES and the Services enabled on the website, as well as the errors in access to different websites or those from which said Services are provided.
PEGAME.ES is exempt from any liability for damages of all kinds that may arise from the services provided by third parties through this website and for the media enabled thereby to manage applications for service and, including but not limited to: any act of unfair competition and unlawful advertising resulting from services provided by third parties through PEGAME.ES website; any lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the content transmitted, distributed, stored, received, obtained, or made available through the services provided by third parties through the PEGAME.ES website.